28 maart 2024 — 2 minuten

Jouw minimumloon stijgt op 1 juli - Het Laatste Nieuws

Employers' organizations VNO-NCW and MKB-Nederland have advised against further increases in the minimum wage, as it has already been significantly raised, resulting in a significant increase in wage costs.

Previous increases in minimum wage


In 2023, for example, the minimum wage increased by more than 10%. As of January 1 of this year, it increased by an additional 3.75%. Moreover, starting from that date, the minimum wage is also based on a 36-hour work week. Therefore, employees working more than 36 hours per week gained more than 3.75% as of January 1, 2024.

Important: Impact on benefits

The increase in the minimum wage also has an impact on benefits, such as the AOW pension and welfare.

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